


Internal Security


MILEAGE - Focuse group Report

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Focus group - report

The development of digitization is very fast, and the pace of the acquisition of new skills by seniors does not match this speed. The digital literacy of seniors is generally increasing. So far, however, the majority prevails, those who have used ICT only marginally or, for example, in their job only under specific conditions.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that people aged 65+ can continue in education and expand their knowledge in the field of ICT. This will prevent their social and digital exclusion. Seniors need support to bridge the personal and online worlds, often unaware of the risks and dangers they may face. Sometimes, on the contrary, they are too worried about the digital world and avoid the challenges associated with ICT.

They can receive quality education from properly trained trainers who will guide them through courses in an adequate and effective way, with respect, a human approach and understanding.

Below is a report on the focus groups conducted in Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Italy and Cyprus.

created by: Websites - Lodz