Participants from eight countries gained knowledge about art and dance therapy and music therapy.
as an introduction to Gestalt Theatre Methodology
Piloting of Education Model in Primary School of King Stefan Batory
The international collaboration has produced interesting results
We are pleased to announce the release of the first newsletter for project PRISM!
Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are child development disorders that appear more and more often, and the number of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder is growing every year. We invite you to read the second newsletter of the Against Bubble project, which deals with the issues of bullying and violence at school against students with autism spectrum disorder, but not only.
With our project we aim to fight and prevent the phenomenon of Bullying
The University of Patras virtually hosted the 3rd online TPM in Neuropedagogy.
On 7-8 October 2021, after an almost two-year break, the partners of the international educational project AGAINST BUBBLE met at the second partnership meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.
Neuropedagogy΄s project idea emerged from our consortium need to keep up with the needs and the challenges of today's changing world, in which also universities should not lag behind but cover those needs and meet any raised challenges.
The first face to face meeting of TeBeISi project partners after a break of one and a half years took place in Vicenza, Italy.
The final partner meeting of the SportH project Creating original synergies between phisycal activity and cultural heritage in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, is behind us.
We publish the first of the results of intellectual output within the Neuropedagogy project, of which the Academy of Business and Health Sciences is the coordinator.
The first meeting with adult educators within the first phase of the BuildIT!
WSBiNoZ organised a Multiplier Event disseminating the results of the NEMO project
With a three-day webinar dedicated to the presentation of good practices in partner institutions we conclude the SPOTI project
On 22 April, we had the opportunity to take part in an online Conference on Cyberbullying and talk about the Nemo project
It is said that only 35% of information is conveyed in words, which means that verbal communication - compared to non-verbal communication - is quite weak.
Two intensive days: 13 and 14 April are the dates of the second partnership meeting within the Neuropedagogy project, of which the Academy of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź is the coordinator.
On the 17th and 18th of March 2021, we organised our 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting in BuildIT! project.
Emotional competences and counteracting violence against students with autism at school - International on-line training for educators and teachers in the frame of the AGAINST BUBBLE project
Civic Education and Service Learning - International training for teachers and educators - PROSPECT project
In the framework of the R.I.S.ToVET project we identified examples of good practices in the area of digitisation applicable to the tourism industry.
The third transnational partners meeting of the R.I.S.ToVET project lasted for two days.
Two days of intensive work during the first partner meeting of the BuildIT! project has just finished.
The kick off meeting of the new Neuropedagogy partnership is behind us.
Good Practice and experiences on including men in contemporary gender balance issues
On October 15, 2020, a Webinar was held as part of the Empower 4 Employment
The handbook represents a prototype which defines a new learning model for primary and secondary junior schools, based on inclusive didactics and on diversity of learning styles.
According to the Spoti project timeline the first training activity should have been held in Porto, at the Instituto Superior de service social do Porto, with the participation of all the partners of the consortium.
In the framework of the R.I.S.ToVET project we were looking for good practices in sustainable tourism.
“Home is a place of emotional and physical associations, memories and comfort” as reported by the World Health Organisation.
While economic downturns caused by global crisis such as the current COVID-19 may promote home care workers because of increased needs of home carers in the world after pandemic.
Modern technologies in preventing functional illiteracy.
To some extent, we are all ignorant, perhaps even functional illiterates, because it is difficult to expect that educated people will know everything.

Ma.T.E. project in shortcut
We have started a series of pilot workshops for the training model in the NEMO project.
About sexual education for disabled youth...
The kick off meeting of the Invented Life project took place at Technikal Universitesi in Erzurum, Turkey.
The kick off meeting of the RistoVET partnership took place in Łódź at the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu.
The beginning of the new IntegrateMe project seems to be very interesting. During the first partnership meeting in London
Another project meeting organised in the frame of FTPT project.
On December 14, at the Academy of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź, we conducted Community Forum Workshops as part of the Period Empowerment Network project.
In St. Polten in Austria took place the third partner meeting of the TeBeISi project.
The implementation of the LIKE project is in the testing phase of exercises designed for the development of the so-called "life skills".
In Lisbon, NEMO partners met for the third time to discuss further project activities.
Creating an innovative integrated approach to teaching is the main goal of the PFL project
Functionall illiteracy is a main topic of new project - KAFFI.
On November 5-6, 2019, the first PROSPECT project partnership meeting was held in Perugia.
Another healthy eating workshop as part of the Free to Play Together project
"The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple visual guide to the types and proportion of foods that we should eat every day for good health." (Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013)
The exchange of best practices between teachers of English language for adults was the subject of the first partnership meeting
A healthy lunch box and healthy sweets were the subject of the workshops carried out in the frame of Free To Play Together project
Five days full of commitment and work as part of the PeriodEmpowerment training in Nairobi (Kenya) are behind us.
Soon, we hope to learn many new and exciting methods of learning through action using games and in-out classes.
In Murcia (Spain) we met with our project partners as part of the FAS project.
The first project meeting was held in Oxford, as part of the European educational project IN TOUCH
A meeting within the focus group on the TeBeIsi project took place at the Academy of Business and Health Sciences.
The second project meeting of Sport Heritage partnership in Zagreb is behind us.
PEN project partnership preparations are underway for a training course in Nairobi, Kenya.
If you are a youth worker or a young person looking for new solutions in dealing with conflict situations
Globally, an estimated 1.9 billion women, around 26% of the global population are of menstruating age, spending on average 65 days in the year dealing with menstrual blood flow.
Thanks to the so much-needed noise around period poverty in the recent years, we are increasingly aware of the fact that, for many women, the sanitary products are not readily available.
From 24 to 29 June, In Caravaca de la Cruz near Murcia in Spain, teachers, educators, youth workers and other trainers are attending the NEMO training pilot programme, led by Euroaccion experts.
This time the project partners met in Portugal ....
Meeting with local authorities to discuss how to prevent young people from ESL
Development of competences at young people - from education to labour market...
Healthy eating habits, active lifestyles and social inclusion through sport ....
The official profile of the SCALE educational project on LinkedIn has been launched.
1st National Conference of young nutritionist and science clubs
What do the needs of small and medium-sized companies in the field of information security look like?
Another healthy eating workshops organized in the frame of Free To Play Together project
The search for new methods of working with students with special educational needs
FREE TO PLAY TOGETHER - the first meeting of the project.
Shortly about the partners meeting, upcoming meetings for teachers and workshops for parents.
First partnership meeting in Italy in the frame of SPORTS RUNWAY project.
Healthy eating plays an important role in life of young people ....
The first meeting of the project # ACTIVE.U took place in Guimarães, Portugal.
EXPERTISE is a project on the exchange of practices to educate, recognize and train skills that promote employment. Implemented under the Erasmus + program.
The EXPERTISE project team met for the second time, this time in the capital of Greece - Athens.
Last Sunday, the "MEDYK" team took part in very special event - Women's Run - Always Pier (w) si.