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NEMO - New models for youth growth through conflict managemen

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NEMO - New models for youth growth through conflict management

Project identification number: 2018-1-UK01-KA205-047791

Programme/ action/ field: Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for youth

Coordinator: E squared (E2) Enterprise and Employability CIC – Great Britain

Project duration: 01.10.2018-31.05.2021 (33 months)


Young people are one of the most valuable resources of the European Union. Reports on the economic situation in Europe show at the same time that they are the group most affected by the effects of the economic crisis. Some young people are permanently excluded from society and have difficulty in employment, they are threatened by marginalization and dangerous radicalization. Many of them getting a good job would help find their way to independence. However, despite the general decline in the unemployment rate (which peaked in 2013) among the population of EU Member States, youth unemployment remains a serious problem all the time. 8.7 million young Europeans are unable to find a job.Due to social changes, the crisis of values ​​and the socio-economic crisis, the young meet with conflict situations in everyday life. They concern peer relations, conflicts with authorities, imposed models of hierarchy, etc. On the one hand, the conflict manifests itself as an increase in aggression among young people, on the other it can cause depression. Young people feel "mismatched", especially when they are victims of racist attacks or persecution, as well as when they "fall out" early from the education or labor market process. The NEMO project is to offer young people new methods and tools for conflict management related to their culturally-socio-occupational situation. It puts emphasis on informal teaching methods in the areas of emotional competence, self-esteem, self-awareness, awareness and empathy in relation to others, communication and interaction skills, analysis skills and conflict assessment. The project will use diverse, informal teaching methods and techniques that have already been used in partnerships in various parts and initiatives in Europe. These include pedagogical theater, psychodrama, improvised theater, majeutic approach, role playing. The aim is to support young people aged 16-30 clashing with economic, educational, family reality, the situation on the labor market or a revolution in social communication, in which it is difficult for them to cope. We want to reach young people by training teachers, educators, advisers and other professionals working on a daily basis with the indicated age group. Proposals of actions are aimed at building their potential. These people often have to deal with difficult situations in which they assist in resolving conflicts. The activities covered by the project are to help them understand the nature of the conflict, its context and learn to treat it as a potential for exploitation and positive change.   


What do we do for this? 

  • Preliminary analysis of young people's self-assessment in the area of ​​conflict management skills will be prepared. Research will be carried out in all partner countries of the project. Standardization of research and the use of consistent tools and instructions will be introduced. On the basis of research, national reports and an international report will be highlighted, highlighting common features and differences caused by different socio-cultural conditions of the surroundings, education, etc. 
  • The next step will be to create a NEMO training model. It will cover the schedule of classes and the method of teaching using informal methods, solving conflict situations in everyday life and at work. In each of the partner countries workshops will be held, which will aim to create a definition of the teaching plan according to the EQF and YOUTHPASS codification. The planning process will be based on a prior analysis to take into account the skills particularly demanding reinforcement indicated in national reports.At this stage, training will be carried out in each of the countries covered by the project. Each of them is 40 hours of classes with the participation of 15 young people (16-30 years). The trainings will be conducted by trainers trained during the course in Spain. 
  • At the next stage, new training methods for teachers, educators, trainers, and youth workers will be implemented. Attention will be focused on building the potential of these people, acquiring new skills and familiarizing themselves with the methods of work. Capacity building will be based on: inclusion of various groups of recipients, implementation of a new training program, implementation of 2 workshops in each country, analysis of issues and highlighting the main weaknesses / strengths in national reports. The teaching model will be confirmed based on the evaluation of trainers' training in relation to the ECVET and YOUTHPASS systems. The model will be disseminated and implemented in secondary and vocational schools, employment centers for young people, training centers. 
  • A set of tools available online will be created. 
  • The NEMO project manual will be developed. It will be disseminated among institutions and organizations dealing with education and training in order to implement methods of conflict management and strengthening immune skills among young people. Materials developed as part of the project will be gathered on the website.

    Who do we address our project to? - people working with people aged 16-30, in particular: 
  • teachers, lecturers 
  • pedagogues 
  • educators 
  • employees of employment centers for young people 

    Who do we cooperate with? 

    - E Squared (E2) Enterprise and Employability CIC – Great Britain 
    - TUCEP Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme – Italy 
    - EUROACCION Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion Murcia - Spain 
    - EQUAL Ireland Education Research and Related Services Co. Ltd - Ireland 
    - RATO - Associacao para a Divulgacao Cultural e Cientifica - Portugal 
    - ITPIO Institut za Podgotovka na Slujiteliv Mejdunarodni Organizacii Zdruzhenie - Bulgaria 

    How to contact us? Contact to the national coordinator:



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