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Name of the project:  A VET toolkit PRomoting digitization in the agriculture Industry for Sustainable farMing

Project identification number: 2020-1-PL01-KA202-081518

Programme:  Erasmus + partnerstwo strategiczne w obszarze edukacji zawodowej i szkolenia

Coordinator:  Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu

Project duration: 01.10.2020 – 30.09.2022





In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN, committed itself in ending hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture (2nd SDG), an ambitious goal, since roughly 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger and the demand- by 2050 -will be to produce 70% more food. Unfortunately, the reality nowadays is that agriculture’s share of global GDP has shrunk to just 3%, intensifying the hunger and food scarcity problem, because very little innovation and advancements in technology have been taken in this sector to allow efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly farming and agriculture in the frames of Agriculture 4.0. All partner countries are facing issues relating to farming and agriculture, with farmers struggling with the challenges of food safety, climate change, scarcity of natural resources, and more. Even though, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of Europe, made an attempt to redesign and modernise the sector in 2013, to lead to far-reaching changes to strengthen the position of farmers within the food production chain, farming and agricultural operations still function in the “traditional” way without following the advancements of Agriculture 4.0. Having all these in mind, we believe that our project PRISM as a collaboration among 7 partner institutions (2 from Poland, Italy, Malta, N. Macedonia, Greece, and Cyprus), will contribute to the development of an Open Education Resource for VET trainers to meet the farmers long-term need for education, towards the innovation and modernization of farming and agriculture in the frames of Agriculture 4.0 to secure their livelihood in their sector over time. The purpose of the project is an international synergy between these 7 European organisations with the same need -TO HELP VET TRAINERS REDEFINE A SUSTAINABLE SECTOR BASED ON AGRICULTURE 4.0 THROUGH A VET OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCE.

Project goals:

1. To design innovative training contents and methodologies aimed specifically to promote farming and agriculture based on the changes that are brought forth by the advancements made by Agriculture 4.0 and how they can be implemented by all, equally.

2. To increase the professional development of VET trainers of each partner and of other relevant stakeholders working on training centers and public institutions, in Agriculture 4.0, to effectively support farmers in redefining a sustainable sector in farming and agriculture

3. To design an Open Education Resource for Agriculture 4.0, to guide trainers use the project results. The e-Learning platform, will be specifically developed to work as a toolkit for the VET trainers to benefit their teaching of farmers by offering online training opportunities.

WSBINoZ's role:

will lead the Project Management of the project and commits to being actively involved in all project actions to support all project partners during the entire project duration.


Project partners:

The partnership was established in accordance with the project’s aims and objectives, and regarding the professional expertise required for the successful implementation of the planned activities. Each partner represents various territorial and cultural contexts as well as different fields of expertise. These cover a wide range of competencies required such as experience in the management of educational projects in a multicultural environment, conducting research, professionals and adult education, development of training seminars for trainers, educators, mentors as well as skills needed to establish public and media relations and seminars involving digital technologies, followed by effective implementation of numerous dissemination activities.

will lead the IO1 “PRISM Beginners’ Guide to Agriculture 4.0” as well as the second transnational meeting.

will lead the C2 short-training event for farmers and will organise the third transnational meeting.

will be leading the IO3 “PRISM VET Curriculum for Agriculture 4.0” and will be responsible for organising the Final transnational meeting of the project.

will be responsible for the development of the IO2 “PRISM Collection of Case-Studies on Agriculture 4.0” It will, also, be responsible for the development of the Dissemination Plan of the project.

will lead the C1 short-training event for VET trainers and will be responsible for the Project Evaluation and Quality Assurance.

will be responsible for the development of the IO4 “e-Learning platform/Open Education Resource”. t will develop the website of the project and prepare the Sustainability and Exploitation Plan.

How to contact us:

Institutional project coordinator:: 

KOM of the PRISM project

On Wednesday, the 17th of February 2021, the Kick Off Meeting of the PRISM project took place through digital means. Due to the applicable COVID restrictions, this meeting was organized online. During the meeting, partners had the opportunity to meet each other, discuss future activities and agreed on the action plan. PRISM project is focused on helping farmers redefine a sustainable sector based on Agriculture 4.0 through a VET open education resource.

Second meeting of PRISM project

On Friday, the 9th of April 2021, the Project PRISM partners held their second online meeting, where they discussed the project's progress thus far, monitored the development of the IOs, and planned the next step in the project's dissemination.

Third partnership meeting

On Wednesday, the 9th of June, 2021, the project PRISM partners met online for their third meeting. The meeting’s goal was to exchange information about the progress made on the four project outputs, as well as a discussion on the next steps of the project. Also, given that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is winding down, partners decided to discuss on organization of the first face-to-face meeting.

4th meeting of the PRISM project again online

On Friday, the 16th of July, 2021, the partners of Project PRISM had their second Transnational Project Meeting. Due to limitations brought about from COVID-19, the meeting took place online but members from all partners were present, as scheduled. The meeting was devoted to the analysis of the work progress in individual results. The partnership summed up the dissemination activities carried out so far and developed a plan of further related activities, which will be implemented until the next international partnership meeting. Due to the loosening of travel restrictions, the partnership agreed on the date of the next meeting in person. The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Italian partner in Sicily.


We are pleased to announce the release of the first newsletter for project PRISM!

Through this newsletter, you can learn about the project’s aims, expected results and Agriculture 4.0 in general.

Project brochure and flyer

created by: Websites - Lodz