


Internal Security


Sports Runway

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Project identification number: 603549-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-SPO-SSCP

Programme/ action/ field: Erasmus + Sport, Small Collaborative Partnerships

CoordinatorNEW HORIZONS (Italy)

Project duration: 01.01.2019 – 31.03.2020



Equality of physical and recreational opportunities and Social Inclusion for people of all ages and background regardless of their place of residence or socio-economic background constitutes the impulse for Sports Runway project.The Sports Runway consortium will bring together 6 partners from 4 countries (Italy, Turkey, Portugal and Poland) over 18 months. The project will be coordinated by New Horizons a not for profit organization active in promoting social inclusion, cultural and sports activities in the efforts to revive a struggling small town of Tusa by means of international cooperation.The project will seek to establish the synergy between sports and social elements to promote Equal Opportunity, Social Inclusion and other progressive EU values to geographically deprived people, refugees and youths in Juvenile Foster care who usually lack access to sports activities due to various reasons.

Specifically there are four main objectives:

• To make sports easily accessible goods for everyone regardless of their background,

• To equip participants with sound practical knowledge and skills to practice sports,

• To demonstrate European social values through their sport participation,

• To produce a guideline for how to best involve and train geographically disadvantaged people.

The project shall result in two principal outputs:

(1) Sports Training courses with 04 Modules (Badminton - Futsal - Cycling - Volleyball) in three countries (Italy, Portugal and Turkey);

(2) A series of Friendly matches and group bike-riding tour in each three selected countries.

In the end, Sports Runway will produce also a Social Sports Training manual and will make effective use of the cross-sectoral partnership to spread its impact, especially reaching political level for a good sustainability.


Who do we cooperate with?

UISP Palermo - sports promotion agency recognized by CONI (Italy)

Associazione Ciclabili Siciliane is a non-profit organisation (Italy)

ADEP  – Associação Desportiva Penamacorense (Portugal)

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Youth and Sports Directorate (Turkey)


How to contact us? 

 Contact to the national coordinator: 



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