


Internal Security


TeBelSi - Partcertification in the professional field of Information Security

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Project identification number: 2018-1-DE02-KA202-005218

Programme/ action/ field: Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training

Coordinator: BF/M-Bayreuth - Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e. V. an der Universität Bayreuth

Project duration: 01.09.2018-31.08.2021 (36 months)


Firms cross the EU are facing increasing risks regarding their Information Security. Outflow and loss of information or breaches in the security of the firm’s ICT architec-ture pose vital threats to businesses which take advantage of new digital technologies in order to improve their business model. However, complex technical and legal envi-ronments pose high demands onto Information Security experts, resulting in persistent scarcity of qualified personnel and mark-up salaries which SME’s are unable to provide.
The TeBeISi-project (“Partial Certification in the professional field of Information Secu-rity”) aims at making more personnel available by making use of a partial certification approach, which allows both lateral entrants and new employees to self-assess their competences in regards to an occupational profile, which is developed to specifically fulfill the needs of SMEs. With the help of an occupational profile, it can be deter-mined which competences a firm is looking for and which capabilities a learner can already provide. The missing competences can then be trained, providing the firm with a resource-efficient and cost-effective possibility of building up own technical capaci-ties.
The curriculum will be made available to social partners, VET-providers and educa-tional institutions, allowing for the developments of courses which are orientated on the local demand, meanwhile providing transparency by following these standardised content, making learning transparent and mobile across sectors and borders.


Who do we cooperate with?


- BF/M-Bayreuth - Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e. V. an der Universität Bayreuth  (Germany)

- SCV - StudioCentroVeneto s.a.s. di Antonio Brunello & C. (Italy)

Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

- Hafelekar - Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH (Austria)

How to contact us?
 Contact to the national coordinator:


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